Resources and outputs


The project brochure and poster provide the most important information about the project’s partners, activities, and goals. Take a look!

Registry of Machine Learning educational and training offerings


The Registry lists existing formal (HE, VET) and non-formal (online courses, seminars) Machine Learning related training offerings, as identified by MACHINA partners. Its aim is to provide an overview of existing training programmes and educational initiatives focused on ML related skills.

The database comprises 55 records from the 5 partnership countries (France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Romania) and beyond.

Please consult our registry on AirTable.

Report on Machine Learning (ML) learning outcomes

The report analyses the main evidence drawn from skills intelligence gathering activities and labour market investigation to define learning outcome that will make up the skeleton for the creation of a comprehensive VET curriculum on Machine Learning, to address the current and future technical and non-technical skill needs of ICT professionals.

Methodology for the validation of the MACHINA learning outcomes

The methodology outlines the steps for the assessment, recognition and validation of the MACHINA learning outcomes, as acquired by learners in formal, non-formal and informal settings.

Trainer’s Handbook

A complete guide for ICT trainers on how to deliver the MACHINA curriculum in formal and non-formal settings. The guide provides instructions on how to a) train ICT workers (incl. I-VET students) with the use of the MACHINA educational resources, b) develop additional materials in accordance with the MACHINA learning outcomes and c) access, use and facilitate the MACHINA VOOC.


The MACHINA Vocational Open Online Course (VOOC), hosted on OpenLearning platform, acts as a wide access delivery method for the project’s curriculum on the field of Machine Learning. The MACHINA VOOC is a flexible, self- guided modular online course for ICT professionals, who seek to improve their skills, knowledge and competencies in Machine Learning methods and use cases. It reflects the structure of the MACHINA curriculum and comprises versatile training and assessment materials, including presentation files, video lectures, infographics, practical exercises, case studies, and multiple-choice questionnaires. The course is taught entirely online; there are no rigid pathways and learners can establish their own learning schedule to best address their needs and training priorities.

Join now a growing number of ICT professionals and take part in the online course “Machine Learning skills for ICT Professionals”, delivered by the MACHINA partnership.

The MACHINA online course is available in 6 EU languages:


Curriculum testing and evaluation report

The MACHINA curriculum was pilot delivered online from 9 May to 1 July 2022, with the actual participation of target groups, and the overarching purpose to evaluate the educational value of the developed learning materials. In total, 156 students from 8 EU countries enrolled in the MACHINA MOOC, attending learning materials of 500 hours duration. Overall, the process recorded positive attitudes and comments on the educational value, comprehensiveness, and usefulness of the MACHINA curriculum and resources. Participants also provided valuable feedback for improving learning materials and fine-tuning the online course. The attached report summarises the main findings and the evaluation results from the pilot delivery of the MACHINA curriculum.

Specifications for an EU-wide vocational qualification in Machine Learning 

The MACHINA partnership released the outline of an EU-wide qualification in Machine Learning to pave the ground for the accreditation of the MACHINA curriculum as well as the introduction of the first ML-specific specialty into national occupational classification systems.  The document, based on EU VET qualification standards, prescribes a) the minimum requirements to award the qualification, b) certification methods/procedures, c) accreditation requirements for training providers, d) quality assurance methods, e) course delivery methods, e) entry requirements and passing thresholds, and f) a detailed description of curriculum structure per unit (incl. unit title, level, credit value, guided learning hours, learning outcomes, assessment criteria, delivery guidance, and suggested resources). 


The first digital presentation of the MACHINA summarizes the project’s main activities, the project goal, target group, and main outputs. For more details, please take a look at the first digital presentation.

THE 3rd digital presentation

During the third semester of the project, the MACHINA partners continued to work on creating additional materials and videos for the project’s six learning units. They also produced the trainer’s handbook and the VET integration guidelines reports. For more details, please download the third digital presentation.


The fifth digital presentation of the MACHINA summarizes the project’s main activities and the main outputs during the project period from 2020-2022. For more details, please take a look at the fifth digital presentation.

Registry of Machine Learning online job vacancies


The Registry lists online job vacancies by means of which organizations and enterprises from the 5 partnership countries (France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Romania) search for suitable candidates to fill Machine Learning related positions in different industries and economic sectors.

The database comprises 59 records. Please consult our registry on AirTable.

Please note that the positions listed in the table might not be vacant anymore. The purpose of this list is to analyse the most required characteristics of Machine Learning positions and thus to contribute to improving skills intelligence in the field and provide an open access source for all interested parties.

Registry of Machine Learning practical applications


The Registry gathers actual Machine Learning (ML) applications/use cases in different industry settings (e.g., banking, health, retail, finance, public sector), to demonstrate the potential of this disruptive technology in making our lives better and more convenient.

 The database comprises 28 records. Please consult our registry on AirTable.

Report with MACHINA curriculum structure

This report defines the structure and characteristics of the MACHINA VET curriculum on Machine Learning for ICT professionals. The MACHINA VET curriculum, referenced to the 5th EQF level, is organized around 6 learning units, which are further broken down into 27 lessons.

Package with educational resources in Machine Learning

A package of versatile educational resources to support the delivery of the MACHINA curriculum. The project’s training offering includes presentation slides, lecture notes, Questions and Answers, case studies, practical exercises and multiple-choice questionnaires.

Materials are available in EnglishFrenchGermanItalianRomanian and Greek.

Feel free to download materials, and start your learning journey in the exciting world of Machine Learning!

VET integration guidelines

A report with guidelines on the introduction and integration of the developed MACHINA learning units into existing training courses for ICT Professionals.


Our pilot online course on Machine Learning (ML) is available from 9 May to 3 June 2022. Participation in the online course is entirely free. Just click on the button below and sign up with your email.


A Statement of Support to motivate stakeholders in the Machine Learning (AI) field to a) directly support the recognition of the validity of ML skills requirements, and b) contribute to the advancement of the project’s objectives to reinforce education in digital competences and uphold the accreditation of the MACHINA curriculum.   The MACHINA statement of support has been embraced by 38 stakeholders from the partnership countries and beyond. Support for the project results was stated by representatives of highly prestigious organizations and sectoral actors at both the EU and national level, including among others Grant Thornton, Digital Europe, Digital Technology Skills Limited, the European Certification and Qualification Association, the Greek Ministry of Education, as well as other leading universities and private actors in the ICT field.

ML skills certificate supplement 

A Certificate Supplement template for VET providers to act as an addendum to an official ICT vocational training certificate or transcript. The ML Certificate Supplement, based on the EUROPASS template, is meant to be provided to learners who have successfully attended a VET program that integrates the MACHINA learning outcomes or part of them. The Supplement describes in detail the Machine Learning skills, knowledge and competences acquired by learners upon the completion of the VET program and the work areas to which the program qualifies participants. The attached offering is a template and the supplements to be eventually issued and provided by VET providers need to be adapted to the realms and context of their courses and their national educational system. 

Blueprint for the integration of ML skills requirements into sectoral competence frameworks & classification systems 

A blueprint for the accreditation of the MACHINA curriculum by national educational authorities and the integration of ML skills requirements into sectoral competence frameworks and CEDEFOP’s “Skills Intelligence” platform.


During the second semester of the project, the MACHINA partners collected evidence on workplace requirements regarding ML skills. The project partners then defined six learning units based on analyzing the collected evidence and identifying each unit’s knowledge, skills, and competencies. For more details, please download the second digital presentation.

THE 4TH digital presentation

In the fourth semester of the project, the partners finalized a series of educational materials and also launched a pilot online course “Machine Learning Skills for ICT Professionals”. For more information, we recommend downloading the fourth digital presentation.